Easy Artichoke Bruschetta (And a Tour of Where our Food Comes From!)


We were inspired to create this easy artichoke bruschetta after virtually touring some farms in California’s Coachella and Imperial Valleys! Learn a bit more about how California produce feeds so many, and try this easy, tasty recipe.

artichoke bruschetta recipe
artichoke bruschetta recipe

You probably know by now that I’m a farmer’s daughter. Growing up on a farm instills so many valuable lessons about where our food comes from! I wouldn’t trade that upbringing for anything.

But even though I grew up on a farm, there’s still so much to learn about agriculture, especially here in California, where so much of our nation’s produce is grown. I was so excited to be invited on my second farm tour with the California Farm Water Coalition (virtually this time!), to chat with farmers who are growing the crops that feed us all.

And even better? It inspired the delicious artichoke bruschetta recipe you’ll find below!

artichoke bruschetta recipe
artichoke bruschetta recipe

Knowing Where Our Food Comes From

When you pick up a piece of produce in the grocery store, what comes to mind? Chances are, most of us are just there to get the best piece of produce we can find — fresh, flavorful, and ready to eat.

touring california farms

But there’s so much to know about the produce that we buy! The farmers that we spoke to in the Coachella and Imperial Valleys of California can tell you exactly where their food is going, which stores stock it, which schools feed their students with it, and so much more.

It’s so important to be conscious of where our food comes from, especially if you love buying and eating local. If we, as Californians, spend that extra bit of energy to buy local produce, it benefits our farmers, our laborers, our economy, and it means that we’re getting the freshest possible option.

touring california farms

What We Don’t Know

As a parent, I know a few things about what I want when I go to the grocery store. I want fresh food, with lots of nutrients, that’s going to taste great and feed my family. But there are so many steps that go into growing that food before it gets to me.

touring california farms

What we don’t see behind the scenes starts months before we buy a head of romaine lettuce or an artichoke. We don’t see the farmers planting seeds and tending the crops, being cautious not to waste a single drop of water (some farmers now have digital watering systems that can track it all!). We don’t see the laborers working early mornings or late nights to harvest at just the right time so the produce is in top condition. And we don’t see other barriers — keeping pests off of crops, or adhering to strict regulations which help us as consumers get the very best produce possible.

So when you pick up that artichoke next time, think of all of the consideration that went into getting it into your grocery cart! It’s truly amazing.

touring california farms

A Recipe Inspired By Farmers

On the tour, we met farmers who grow corn, lettuce, broccoli, watermelon, onions, celery, turnips, and everything in between. But what really inspired me were the artichokes.

I saw for the first time how artichokes are harvested (fascinating, check out our Instagram stories!), and it immediately made me crave them. So here’s a summery and simple recipe that you can try with some delicious artichokes.

touring california farms
touring california farms

Artichoke Bruschetta Ingredients

You’ll need:

  • artichoke hearts, fresh or canned (if fresh, you’ll need 6)
  • 1/4 cup sun dried tomatoes
  • 1 TBSP pine nuts
  • 6 fresh mint leaves, finely chopped (plus extra mint for garnish if desired
  • shaved parmesan
  • 1 TBSP olive oil
  • salt
  • baguette
artichoke bruschetta recipe
artichoke bruschetta recipe

How To Make artichoke Bruschetta

  1. Start by slicing your baguette into thin pieces. Place the pieces on a baking sheet and spray or brush with olive oil, then sprinkle lightly with salt.
  2. Bake at 375 for approximately 10 minutes, or until golden.
  3. If using fresh artichokes, prep them for boiling. Slice off the top inch, and use kitchen shears to trim off the spiky tips of each leaf.
  4. Bring a pot of salted water to a boil. Place artichokes in water, reduce to a simmer, and cover. Cook for approximately 20 minutes. To test, try pulling off one of the large outer leaves. If it comes off easily, the artichoke is ready.
  5. Pull away the leaves and save to eat. Scoop out the fuzz and roughly dice the artichoke hearts.
  6. Alternatively, if you’re using canned artichokes, just roughly dice one can of artichoke hearts.
  7. Now let’s make the bruschetta topping! Combine diced artichokes, sun dried tomatoes, pine nuts, mint, and olive oil. Toss with salt to taste. Mix until combined well.
  8. Top each slice of toasted baguette with the topping. Sprinkle with a bit of shaved parmesan and add mint for garnish if desired. Enjoy!
artichoke bruschetta recipe
artichoke bruschetta recipe
artichoke bruschetta recipe
artichoke bruschetta recipe

Easy Artichoke Bruschetta

Yield: 12 Servings
Cook Time: 30 minutes
Total Time: 30 minutes

This easy artichoke bruschetta is quick to make and perfect for entertaining.


  • 6 artichoke hearts
  • 1/4 cup sun dried tomatoes
  • 1 tablespoon pine nuts
  • 6 mint leaves
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • salt to taste
  • baguette
  • shaved parmesan


    1. Start by slicing your baguette into thin pieces. Place the pieces on a baking sheet and spray or brush with olive oil, then sprinkle lightly with salt.
    2. Bake at 375 for approximately 10 minutes, or until golden.
    3. If using fresh artichokes, prep them for boiling. Slice off the top inch, and use kitchen shears to trim off the spiky tips of each leaf.
    4. Bring a pot of salted water to a boil. Place artichokes in water, reduce to a simmer, and cover. Cook for approximately 20 minutes. To test, try pulling off one of the large outer leaves. If it comes off easily, the artichoke is ready.
    5. Pull away the leaves and save to eat. Scoop out the fuzz and roughly dice the artichoke hearts.
    6. Alternatively, if you're using canned artichokes, just roughly dice one can of artichoke hearts.
    7. Now let's make the bruschetta topping! Combine diced artichokes, sun dried tomatoes, pine nuts, mint, and olive oil. Toss with salt to taste. Mix until combined well.
    8. Top each slice of toasted baguette with the topping. Sprinkle on shaved parmesan and add mint garnish if desired.


This recipe is easy and quick to make if you substitute canned artichoke hearts for steamed! The flavor holds up well and it cuts 20 minutes off of your prep time.

This post is sponsored by the California Farm Water Coalition. All ideas and opinions are my very own. Thank you for being supportive of the partners who help keep Lovely Indeed rocking!

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